90S Rap Video Cheese Grater (2024)


Remember the days when rap music videos were all about bold statements, flashy visuals, and a sprinkle of eccentricity? Well, imagine throwing a cheese grater into that mix! Yes, you read that right. In the wild world of 90s rap, even the most mundane objects could become iconic symbols. Join me as we dive into the fascinating world of 90s rap video cheese graters and uncover the stories behind these quirky props.

The Birth of an Icon

Picture this: a dimly lit alleyway, graffiti-covered walls, and a group of MCs spitting fire rhymes. In the midst of this urban backdrop, there it is – the humble cheese grater, elevated to superstar status. But how did this unlikely pairing come to be?

Back in the 90s, rap music was all about pushing boundaries and challenging norms. Artists were constantly looking for ways to stand out from the crowd and make a statement. Enter the cheese grater – an everyday kitchen utensil transformed into a symbol of urban grit and authenticity.

The Symbolism Behind the Cheese Grater

At first glance, the inclusion of a cheese grater in a rap video may seem random or even absurd. However, upon closer inspection, it becomes clear that there's more to it than meets the eye. The cheese grater symbolizes the harsh realities of life in the streets – the struggle, the grind, and the determination to rise above adversity.

In many rap videos from the 90s, the cheese grater serves as a visual metaphor for the obstacles that artists faced on their journey to success. Just like grating cheese requires effort and perseverance, making it in the rap game demanded hard work and resilience. The cheese grater became a powerful symbol of perseverance in the face of adversity.

Iconic Moments in 90s Rap Video History

From East Coast to West Coast, the cheese grater made its mark on the world of 90s rap in more ways than one. Let's take a look at some of the most iconic moments featuring this unexpected prop:

  1. Wu-Tang Clan – "Protect Ya Neck": In this gritty music video, members of the Wu-Tang Clan brandish cheese graters as they deliver their signature gritty rhymes. The cheese grater serves as a symbol of their unyielding determination to conquer the rap game.

  2. Notorious B.I.G. – "Big Poppa": In one memorable scene from this classic music video, Biggie Smalls can be seen grating cheese in the kitchen while effortlessly dropping verses. It's a testament to his ability to blend luxury with street authenticity.

  3. Tupac Shakur – "California Love": Even the legendary Tupac got in on the cheese grater action. In the music video for "California Love," Tupac can be seen wielding a cheese grater as he rides through the streets of Los Angeles in a futuristic vehicle.

The Legacy Lives On

While the 90s may be long gone, the legacy of the cheese grater lives on in the annals of rap history. It serves as a reminder of a time when creativity knew no bounds and artists weren't afraid to take risks. Today, the cheese grater remains a beloved symbol of authenticity and resilience in the world of hip-hop.


In conclusion, the 90s rap video cheese grater may seem like a quirky relic of the past, but its significance runs deep. It represents the creativity, authenticity, and resilience of the artists who helped shape the rap landscape during that era. So the next time you come across a cheese grater in a music video, take a moment to appreciate the rich history behind this seemingly ordinary object.

FAQs (Frequently Asked Questions)

  1. Why did rappers use cheese graters in their music videos? Rappers in the 90s used cheese graters as symbols of authenticity and resilience, representing the struggles they faced in the streets and their determination to succeed.

  2. Was the use of cheese graters a widespread trend in 90s rap videos? While not every rap video from the 90s featured cheese graters, they were certainly a notable trend among artists who wanted to make a bold statement.

  3. Are there any modern rap videos that pay homage to the cheese grater trend? While the use of cheese graters may not be as common in modern rap videos, there are still occasional nods to this iconic trend by artists who appreciate the nostalgia of 90s hip-hop.

  4. Did cheese grater symbolism extend beyond rap music videos? While cheese graters were primarily associated with rap videos in the 90s, their symbolism of resilience and determination resonated with audiences across various forms of media.

  5. Are there any other everyday objects that became iconic symbols in 90s rap videos? Absolutely! From gold chains to champagne bottles, 90s rap videos were filled with everyday objects that were elevated to superstar status through creative storytelling and symbolism.

90S Rap Video Cheese Grater (2024)


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Name: Wyatt Volkman LLD

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