Connecticut Counseling Degrees (2024)

Featured Online Counseling Programs

Connecticut delivers high quality accredited programs for students to consider. There are multiple areas of specialty available at on-campus locations in Connecticut (and online) for those seeking a Master of Counseling degree: Mental Health Counseling, Rehabilitation Counseling, School Counseling, and Community Counseling, among others.

As mentioned, Connecticut offers 16 counseling degree programs throughout the state. Cities such as Fairfield and New Haven welcome a large number of new counseling students each year.

Online Counseling Programs in Connecticut

New Haven, in southern Connecticut is home to Southern Connecticut State University. This university boasts a convenient campus with an accredited counseling program. Specializations at this college include Clinical Mental Health Counseling and School Counseling.

The State of Connecticut offers accredited counseling degrees on a Master's level at more than seven universities across the state. And while there are no online programs, there is a university located conveniently in each region in the state.

⚑ Search Online Counseling Programs

Here are a few schools in Connecticut with CACREP-accredited counseling programs:

  • Central Connecticut State University: M.S. in Clinical Mental Health Counseling and Clinical Rehabilitation Counseling M.S. in School Counseling
  • Fairfield University: M.A. in Clinical Mental Health Counseling M.A. in School Counseling
  • Southern Connecticut State University: M.S. in Clinical Mental Health Counseling M.S. in School Counseling
  • University of Bridgeport: M.S. in Clinical Mental Health Counseling
  • University of Connecticut: M.A. in School Counseling
  • University of Saint Joseph: M.A. in Clinical Mental Health Counseling

Click to jump to the full list of Connecticut counseling programs, or consider learning more about one of the below online counseling program currently accepting applicants.Here are a few schools in Connecticut with CACREP-accredited counseling programs:

  • Central Connecticut State University: M.S. in Clinical Mental Health Counseling and Clinical Rehabilitation Counseling M.S. in School Counseling
  • Fairfield University: M.A. in Clinical Mental Health Counseling M.A. in School Counseling
  • Southern Connecticut State University: M.S. in Clinical Mental Health Counseling M.S. in School Counseling
  • University of Bridgeport: M.S. in Clinical Mental Health Counseling
  • University of Connecticut: M.A. in School Counseling
  • University of Saint Joseph: M.A. in Clinical Mental Health Counseling

Click to jump to the full list of Connecticut counseling programs, or consider learning more about one of the below online counseling program currently accepting applicants.

Online CACREP Master of Counseling Programs in Connecticut

If you are seeking online Master of Counseling programs in the state of Connecticut, you should take the time to review some of the accredited options available to you. The CACREP is the leading accreditation agency for degree programs that can lead to licensing in the field of counseling, making it a great resource for you as your search for a school that meets all of your needs.

In Connecticut, there is currently 1 university that provides an accredited and online Master of Counseling program for you to consider. Central Connecticut State University provides an online Master of Counselor Education in School Counseling, which can prepare you to engage in professional counseling in an educational setting. This 60 credit-hour program can be completed in 2-3 years and is suitable for students with or without experience in the field of counseling. Students that have some work experience in the field of education may be considered for an advanced track in this program.

CACREP Program into Licensure

The advantage of choosing a currently accredited program for your degree is that it is reliable and can often lead you into licensure. The accreditation process begins with a review of the curriculum as well as the delivery and students experiences within the program. Since counseling is such an influential field, state licensing agencies in Connecticut require that state closely monitor applications for licensure to ensure the right type of degree program has been earned prior to approval.

The state of Connecticut requires that students graduate from an accredited master's program and successfully pass the National Counselor's Examination prior to becoming licensed, as well as complete a period of supervised work experience after the degree program has been completed. The in-depth curriculum and practical components in CCSU's online program can help prepare you for these experiences prior to working with actual clients in the field.

Snapshot: Online CACREP Accredited Programs

☰ For detailed degree information, view the guides to:
Online CACREP Accredited programs | Online MPCAC Accredited programs

The state of Connecticut has numerous choices for students who are looking to pursue a Master's degree in Counseling. Connecticut has six universities that have accredited programs to obtain a counseling degree that enable students to pursue their career in this field. Accredited programs are a safe way to ensure you are eligible for licensure in Connecticut after you complete your degree.

While there are no online programs with campuses in Connecticut, the abundant amount of accredited colleges located in this state and the abundance of online programs accepting CT applicants offers flexible options for student interested in Counseling.

Campus Based Connecticut Counseling Programs

Danbury, West Hartford, and New Haven are just a few cities that are home to accredited universities. Students can contact the Department of Public Health in the State of Connecticut regarding any questions about licensure procedures after graduation from one of these accredited programs.

Central Connecticut State University is located in New Britain, Connecticut. This university offers numerous concentrations in the counseling field such as Clinical Mental Health, School Counseling, Addictions Recovery and Gerontology Counseling. This gives students a variety of specific fields to study while working towards their degree.

Another option in Connecticut is Fairfield University located in Fairfield, Connecticut. They have specializations in School Counseling and Clinical Mental Health. Like most universities, Fairfield, as well as Central Connecticut offers day or night classes.

The eastern part of the state houses the University of Connecticut located in Storrs and offers a concentration in Clinical Mental Health. Another accredited option in Connecticut is the University of St. Joseph in West Hartford located in the central part of the state which provides convenient access to anyone living in Connecticut.

If you live in the western part of the state, you might want to attend West Connecticut State University in Danbury, Connecticut. The accredited program offers concentrations in Clinical Mental Health and School Counseling as well as flexible day, evening and night classes.

⚑ Search Online Counseling Programs

Connecticut is known for its historical contribution to the United States. As one of the New England states, it is one of the most preferred places to live for professionals in counseling.

Currently, Connecticut has around 3.5 million residents. The population continues to grow every year. With the continuous growth in population, the demand for qualified counseling professionals also rises.

Those considering a degree and career in counseling will find that Connecticut is a great place to start. Counselors earn approximately $49,590 per year working in this state, making this career highly sought out among college students. The ability to earn depends entirely on the field in which professionals choose to work, so it is important to choose a specialty that is in high demand in society.

Connecticut Counseling Licensure: Connecticut Counseling Licensing Boards

Connecticut Counseling Licensure

Department of Public Health, Professional Counselor Licensure
410 Capitol Avenue, MS #12APP
P.O. Box 340308
Hartford, CT 06134-0308
Licensed Professional Counselor (LPC)

School Counseling Licensure

Department of Education, Bureau of Educator Standards and Certification
PO Box 150471, Room 243
Hartford, CT 06115-0471
(860) 713-6969
School Counselor [PreK-12]

What Does a Counselor Do?

Counselors can find a niche in almost every walk of life. As support providers, counselors are needed in any field that deals with people. Whether students choose a direct specialty such as marriage counseling or sports counseling, or a general subject such as mental health counseling, there is a market for success.

These professionals can assist individuals through individual counseling, or can assist couples in maintaining a healthy marriage. The expertise of each section of counseling provides for the most precise and directive care available, making this a reliable source of care for clients in need.

What are the Licensing and Degree Requirements?

The state of Connecticut requires that licensed counselors take part in a registration and qualification process consisting of supervised work experience and successful completion of a state board exam. These requirements ensure that professionals are qualified to care for the public in a knowledgeable and professional manner.

If you are looking for Marriage and Family Therapy programs, go to our guide on MFT programs in Connecticut.

Featured Counseling Programs

Schools With Campus-Based CACREP Accredited Connecticut Counseling Degrees

Connecticut Counseling Degrees (1)

CACREP (Council for Accreditation of Counseling & Related Educational Programs) is the top accrediting board for counseling programs. Below, you will find a list of all of the CACREP accredited counseling programs in Connecticut. Keep scrolling or jump to all programs for all programs or view online CACREP accredited counseling programs.

Central Connecticut State University

New Britain

M.S. in Clinical Mental Health Counseling and Clinical Rehabilitation Counseling

CACREP Accredited

  • CACREP Status: Accredited, 8 Year
  • CACREP Accreditation Runs: 1/13/2016 to 10/31/2023

M.S. in School Counseling

CACREP Accredited

  • CACREP Status: Accredited, 2 Year
  • CACREP Accreditation Runs: 7/8/2008 to 3/31/2021

Fairfield University


M.A. in Clinical Mental Health Counseling

CACREP Accredited

  • CACREP Status: Accredited, 8 Year
  • CACREP Accreditation Runs: 7/5/2015 to 3/31/2025

M.A. in School Counseling

CACREP Accredited

  • CACREP Status: Accredited, 8 Year
  • CACREP Accreditation Runs: 3/1/1985 to 3/31/2025

Southern Connecticut State University

New Haven

M.S. in Clinical Mental Health Counseling

CACREP Accredited

  • CACREP Status: Accredited, 2 Year
  • CACREP Accreditation Runs: 7/15/2009 to 10/31/2021

M.S. in School Counseling

CACREP Accredited

  • CACREP Status: Accredited, 2 Year
  • CACREP Accreditation Runs: 10/1/1993 to 10/31/2021

University of Bridgeport


M.S. in Clinical Mental Health Counseling

CACREP Accredited

  • CACREP Status: Accredited, 8 Year
  • CACREP Accreditation Runs: 7/18/2018 to 3/31/2028

University of Connecticut


M.A. in School Counseling

CACREP Accredited

  • CACREP Status: Accredited, 8 Year
  • CACREP Accreditation Runs: 1/19/2006 to 10/31/2023

University of Saint Joseph

West Hartford

M.A. in Clinical Mental Health Counseling

CACREP Accredited

  • CACREP Status: Accredited, 8 Year
  • CACREP Accreditation Runs: 1/15/2012 to 10/31/2021

M.A. in School Counseling

CACREP Accredited

  • CACREP Status: Accredited, 8 Year
  • CACREP Accreditation Runs: 1/15/2012 to 10/31/2021

Western Connecticut State University


M.S. in Clinical Mental Health Counseling

CACREP Accredited

  • CACREP Status: Accredited, 8 Year
  • CACREP Accreditation Runs: 7/15/2009 to 3/31/2027

M.S. in School Counseling

CACREP Accredited

  • CACREP Status: Accredited, 8 Year
  • CACREP Accreditation Runs: 10/1/1993 to 3/31/2027

All Accredited Schools with Counseling Degrees in Connecticut

View all programs in Connecticut below, or jump to all Connecticut CACREP accredited counseling programs.

Central Connecticut State University New Britain
  • M.S. in Clinical Mental Health Counseling and Clinical Rehabilitation Counseling
  • M.S. in School Counseling
Fairfield University Fairfield
  • M.A. in Clinical Mental Health Counseling
  • M.A. in School Counseling
Gateway Community College New Haven
  • Associates - Substance Abuse and Addiction Counseling
Manchester Community College Manchester
  • Associates - Substance Abuse and Addiction Counseling
Naugatuck Valley Community College Waterbury
  • Associates - Substance Abuse and Addiction Counseling
Southern Connecticut State University New Haven
  • M.S. in Clinical Mental Health Counseling
  • M.S. in School Counseling
Tunxis Community College Farmington
  • Associates - Substance Abuse and Addiction Counseling
University of Bridgeport Bridgeport
  • M.S. in Clinical Mental Health Counseling
University of Connecticut Storrs
  • M.A. in School Counseling
University of Saint Joseph West Hartford
  • M.A. in Clinical Mental Health Counseling
  • M.A. in School Counseling
Western Connecticut State University Danbury
  • M.S. in Clinical Mental Health Counseling
  • M.S. in School Counseling

Still Looking for a Counseling Degree?

Here are some of the most popular online counseling programs. On each page you will find a detailed write-up of the program, specific courses, and schools that offer that program that are currently accepting applicants.

  • Online Counseling Degrees
  • Online Masters in Counseling
  • Bachelors in Counseling
  • Masters in Counseling
  • Counseling Schools by State
  • Counseling Career Guide
  • Highest Paid Counseling Jobs
Connecticut Counseling Degrees (2024)


Connecticut Counseling Degrees? ›

A degree in social work, psychology, human services, counseling, sociology, and another bachelor of science degree is a good starting point. However, many states require mental health counselors to have a graduate degree or further education beyond the bachelor's degree.

How do I become a counselor in CT? ›

Steps to Becoming an LPC
  1. Earn Your Degree. According to the state of Connecticut, the first step in becoming a counselor in CT is to earn a graduate degree. ...
  2. Work on Your Soft Skills. ...
  3. Gain Direct Experience. ...
  4. Complete the Licensing Exams. ...
  5. Submit Documentation.
Aug 19, 2021

What is the best degree for counseling? ›

A degree in social work, psychology, human services, counseling, sociology, and another bachelor of science degree is a good starting point. However, many states require mental health counselors to have a graduate degree or further education beyond the bachelor's degree.

How much do LPC make in CT? ›

The average Licensed Professional Counselor salary in Connecticut is $61,421 as of May 25, 2023, but the range typically falls between $55,188 and $68,813.

How do I become a child therapist in CT? ›

Child (Pediatric) Behavioral Therapy Licenses in Connecticut

Earn a graduate degree from a CACREP accredited program or complete a regionally accredited 60-semester-hour graduate program with relevant counseling coursework, a 100-hour practicum, and a 600-hour internship.

What is a LPCA in CT? ›

“Professional counseling” may only be practiced by those who are validly licensed as professional counselors (LPCs) or professional counselor associates (LPCAs). The Connecticut Counseling Association (CCA) represents, advocates for and promotes the vital work of these dedicated counselors throughout the state.

Can anyone can be a counselor? ›

As for counselors, there is a wide range of educational requirements and ethical standards for counselors. Some might be licensed and just as qualified as a therapist, while others might be unlicensed or less educated. In order to call oneself a therapist, one must possess either a master's or a doctoral degree.

Is a Counsellor better than a therapist? ›

Therapists work to help their patients address similar issues, and often provide the same advice that counselors might. However, a key difference is that therapists often seek to go deeper by helping the patient understand the how and why behind a challenge.

How many degrees are there in psychology? ›

There are four types of psychology degrees. They include two at the undergraduate level and two at the graduate level.

How many years is a masters degree? ›

Master's degrees typically take two years to complete, but the timeframe can vary from person to person. Depending on your degree program and whether you're going to school full-time or part-time, it could take you less time to get your master's degree – or more.

Which state pays LPC the highest? ›

Maine is the best state for licensed professional counselors, where the median salary is $110,234. The highest position that you can reach as a licensed professional counselor is clinical director. The median salary of a clinical director is $96,497.

How much do mental health counselors make in CT? ›

The average Clinical Mental Health Counselor salary in Connecticut is $60,134 as of June 26, 2023, but the range typically falls between $52,003 and $71,096.

Where can a LPC make the most money? ›

Best-Paying Cities for Mental Health Counselors

The metropolitan areas that pay the highest salary in the mental health counselor profession are Napa, San Luis Obispo, Vallejo, Hanford, and Santa Rosa.

What degree do you need for a school counselor in CT? ›

Connecticut school counselors are certified and/or licensed professional educators with a minimum of a master's degree in school counseling. This makes school counselors highly qualified to have a whole-child perspective who understand, prevent and respond to the challenges presented today.

What is the best degree for a child therapist? ›

Child psychologists usually earn their bachelor's degree in psychology or child psychology, though others earn their degree in related subjects, such as education. Some master's programs require the GRE examination, but may exempt students with a GPA above a certain level.

How much does a child therapist earn in CT? ›

Child Psychologist Salary in Connecticut
Annual SalaryMonthly Pay
Top Earners$149,875$12,489
75th Percentile$145,900$12,158
25th Percentile$102,200$8,516

How long does it take to get licensed approved in CT as a LPCA? ›

You can expect to invest at least eight years into becoming fully licensed as an LPC. It takes around six years to fulfill the education requirement and become an LPCA: four years to earn a bachelor's degree and two additional years to earn a master's degree in Counseling.

What is the difference between LPC and LAPC? ›

While the LAPC has the rights and privileges granted the LPC - the LAPC works under continual supervision and must satisfy all the criteria for the LPC within the two-year period. Requirements for the LAPC include: Masters degree (48 graduate semester credits) in counseling from an accredited college or university.

What is a LCSW in CT? ›

Licensed Clinical Social Worker (LCSW) in Connecticut

Becoming an LCSW allows you to practice clinical social work including psychotherapy and more without supervision after licensure. Education Requirement: Master or Doctor of Social Work Degree. Field Requirements: 3,000 hours of supervised clinical social work.

What are the 3 types of counseling? ›

So, what are the three main types of counseling? Psychodynamic, humanistic, and behavioral approaches are the most common and each support different individual therapies.

Can your counselor be your friend? ›

Client-therapist friendships can be unethical, according to codes of ethics from many bodies that govern therapists, including the American Psychological Association [APA]. By becoming friends with a client, a therapist can risk disciplinary action from governing bodies or losing licensure.

What is the difference between a psychologist and a therapist? ›

Therapists. Some psychologists only conduct research rather than providing therapy, whereas all therapists and counselors provide some type of therapy to their clients. Licenced therapists or counselors have education and training in a field relevant to psychotherapy.

What is the difference between counseling and counselor? ›

Counseling psychologists typically work with clients who have serious mental health conditions. 4 Clients with emotional, relationship, social, and academic problems, on the other hand, are often referred to a counselor because these professionals typically offer more cost-effective treatments.

What is the difference between counselor and Counselling? ›

Both terms refer to the same service offered by mental health professionals like licensed counselors, therapists, psychologists, or social workers. However, counselling with two Ls is considered the UK English form of the word. Counseling is the American English version.

What's the difference between therapy and counseling? ›

Usually, counseling focuses on a specific issue for a limited amount of time. Therapy can be more long-term and focuses on you as an individual — how you see yourself and the world, your thoughts, and your behaviors, as well as the underlying patterns of why you do the things you do.

Can I become a psychologist at 40? ›

Careers in therapy tend to offer higher than average salaries and positive job growth when compared to many other occupations. It's even possible to consider becoming a therapist later in life, as the field can be a good fit for older workers.

What is the lowest psychology degree? ›

An associate degree in psychology is an undergraduate-level degree that usually takes two years to complete. The associate degree option is often offered at community colleges, and many students then transfer to a state university to complete a bachelor's degree.

Are psychology degrees hard? ›

Overall, psychology can be a challenging major, as it requires students to learn about complex topics such as the anatomy of the brain and the principles of human behavior. However, with hard work and dedication, students can succeed in this field and go on to pursue a variety of rewarding careers.

What is a good age to get a masters degree? ›

Meaning that many enrolments in masters occur after the peak in the early 20s. Of course, the average master student age is dictated by when they complete their undergraduate and this is typically in their early 20s. However, there are many people who do their masters at a much older age due to: career change.

What do you call a person with a masters degree? ›

A master's student is called a graduate student or “grad student” for short. A student still studying for a bachelor's degree is called an undergraduate student or “undergrad student.”

Can you finish Masters in 1 year? ›

And if you want to finish grad school quickly, consider one-year master's programs. These programs offer the fastest route to an accredited, high-quality graduate degree — and some take even less than one year.

What is the easiest state to be a therapist in? ›

1. West Virginia. They don't have a list of required courses; they don't require that the program be designed for licensure; they don't require a certain specialty (many states only recognize school, clinical, counseling, health services, and I/O psychology); or a pre-doctoral, supervised experience.

What is the best state to work as a mental health counselor? ›

Our research shows that Arizona is the best state in the country for mental health counselors. The most common schools for mental health counselors are University of Phoenix, Liberty University, and Capella University, and the most common majors are psychology and social work.

Where are therapists needed the most? ›

Where Can You Work with a Degree in Counseling?
  1. Hospitals. ...
  2. Inpatient or Outpatient Detoxification Centers. ...
  3. Mental Health Facilities & Agencies. ...
  4. Residential Care Facilities. ...
  5. Halfway Houses. ...
  6. Geriatric-Related Facilities. ...
  7. VA Medical Hospitals and Outpatient Clinics. ...
  8. Correctional Facilities and/or Prisons.

What is the best counselor salary? ›

Highest paid counseling jobs
  1. Pediatric counselor. National average salary : $63,934 per year. ...
  2. Licensed clinical social worker. National average salary: $64,671 per year. ...
  3. Direct support professional. ...
  4. Therapist. ...
  5. Physician assistant. ...
  6. Mental health counselor. ...
  7. Registered nurse. ...
  8. Physical therapist.
Mar 10, 2023

What is the top salary for counseling? ›

Licensed Mental Health Counselor Salary in Los Angeles, CA
Annual SalaryMonthly Pay
Top Earners$115,477$9,623
75th Percentile$105,100$8,758
25th Percentile$65,700$5,475

What is the highest paying mental therapist? ›

In addition to being in demand, psychiatrist positions are by far the highest-paying jobs for psychology majors. When you work where a majority of psychiatrists are employed — within an outpatient care center or within a physician's office — the BLS reports 2022 mean salaries of $299,470 or $280,600, respectively.

What is the best state to live in as a therapist? ›

New Jersey comes in first on our "Best States for Psychologists" list.

What is the highest paid school counselor? ›

School counselor salary

According to the BLS, the national average annual salary for educational, guidance, and career counselors and advisors is $60,510. The highest ten percent earn over $98,000; the lowest 10 percent bring in a median income under $38,000.

What are the benefits of being a mental health counselor? ›

  • Job satisfaction. Probably one of the top reasons that many people become a mental health therapist is because they find the work rewarding. ...
  • Good salary. ...
  • Status. ...
  • Flexibility. ...
  • Working with a variety of people and topics. ...
  • Many employment opportunities. ...
  • Good job outlook.
Mar 10, 2023

What degree do most school counselors have? ›

High school counselors typically hold a bachelor's degree in counseling, psychology or other related field, a master's degree in counseling and a state-issued license to practice.

What is an 068 certification in CT? ›

This advanced certificate provides course requirements and supervised fieldwork to prepare for State of Connecticut Certification (068) as a K – 12 School Counselor. Candidates for this certificate program must hold a Master's Degree in Counseling.

How do I become a school psychologist in CT? ›

Students must complete both the Master of Science and Sixth Year Certificate in School Psychology to be eligible for certification as a school psychologist in the State of Connecticut as well as the Nationally Certified School Psychologist (NCSP) credential offered by National Association of School Psychologists (NASP) ...

What is the highest degree in child psychology? ›

What is the highest degree in child psychology? A doctoral degree – PhD or PsyD – is the highest level of education you can earn in this field. You can also find related Doctor of Education (Ed. D.)

What does a psychiatry do? ›

Psychiatry is the branch of medicine focused on the diagnosis, treatment and prevention of mental, emotional and behavioral disorders. A psychiatrist is a medical doctor (an M.D. or D.O.) who specializes in mental health, including substance use disorders.

What do you mean by psychology? ›

Psychology is the scientific study of the mind and behavior. Psychologists are actively involved in studying and understanding mental processes, brain functions, and behavior.

How much does a licensed counselor earn in CT? ›

Licensed Professional Counselor salaries in Connecticut typically range between $72,000 and $112,000 a year. This compares to a United States average licensed professional counselor salary of $90,110. The average hourly rate for licensed professional counselors in Connecticut is $43.32 per hour.

How long does it take to become a therapist in CT? ›

In addition to a master's degree, students are required to complete 3,000 hours of post-graduate supervised experience in professional counseling. This should also include 100 hours of supervision by a practicing professional such as a licensed psychologist, licensed therapist, or licensed professional counselor.

How to apply for LPCA in Connecticut? ›

Application Requirements:
  1. Fulfill the supervised experience requirement. This is 3,000 hours of post-graduate professional counseling experience earned under supervision. ...
  2. Fulfill the exam requirement. ...
  3. Submit an application for LPC licensure through your online eLicense account.

What are the CE requirements for LPC in CT? ›

CE requirements for CT licensed professional counselors (LPC): 15 CE hours, including a minimum of 1 hour of cultural competency, every year.

How do I become a licensed social worker in CT? ›

Common Steps to Become a Connecticut Social Worker
  1. Earn a CSWE-accredited social work degree. ...
  2. Fulfill your social work supervised experience requirement and pass your national/state exams. ...
  3. Get licensed.

What does a counselor do? ›

Counsellors work with people experiencing a wide range of emotional and psychological problems to help them bring about effective change and/or enhance their wellbeing. You'll help people with issues such as depression, anxiety, stress, loss and relationship difficulties that are affecting their lives.

What is the LPC scope of practice in CT? ›

Scope of Practice

“Professional counseling” includes, but is not limited to, individual, group, marriage and family counseling, functional assessments for persons adjusting to a disability, appraisal, crisis intervention and consultation with individuals or groups.

What is the difference between the NCE and Ncmhce? ›

The significant difference between the two exams is the NCE is a 200-question, multiple-choice exam that assesses your knowledge, skills and abilities to provide effective counseling services. Alternatively, the NCMHCE is a set of 10 clinical simulations that sample a broad area of competencies.

What is the salary of LPCA in Texas? ›

Licensed Professional Counselor Salary in Texas
Annual SalaryHourly Wage
Top Earners$95,398$46
75th Percentile$86,700$42
25th Percentile$55,000$26

How many continuing education hours are required in CT? ›

Number of Hours

Each licensee applying for license renewal shall complete a minimum of 20 hours of qualifying continuing education within the preceding twenty-four-month period for which the license is being renewed.

How many hours of Connecticut state specific training must be included in CE each year? ›

The Basics. Connecticut agents are required to complete 24 CE hours, including 3 hours of ethics/law/regulation, are required every 2 year license term, and 6 of the total hours required must pertain directly to the line of authority the agent holds.

How do I become a psychiatrist in CT? ›

To become a psychiatrist in Connecticut, CT, one must first complete a bachelor's degree in a related field such as psychology, biology, or pre-med. After completing the undergraduate degree, one must then attend medical school and earn a Doctor of Medicine (MD) or Doctor of Osteopathic Medicine (DO) degree.

What is the salary for a LCSW in CT? ›

Lcsw Salary in Connecticut. $66,800 is the 25th percentile. Salaries below this are outliers. $103,700 is the 75th percentile.

How much do licensed clinical social workers make in CT? ›

The average Licensed Clinical Social Worker salary in Connecticut is $84,094 as of May 25, 2023, but the range typically falls between $77,037 and $93,004.

How much do licensed social workers make in Connecticut? ›

Salaries by years of experience in Connecticut
Years of experiencePer year
1 to 2 years$59,947
3 to 5 years-
6 to 9 years$75,493
More than 10 years$77,196
1 more row

What is the difference between a counselor and a therapist? ›

In general, therapists have more training on diagnosing and treating mental health conditions. Counselors, on the other hand, are typically not asked to treat mental health conditions (e.g. disorders in the DSM) or make diagnoses. Instead, they tend to help with life challenges.

Is a therapist and a counselor the same thing? ›

The terms “counselor” and “therapist” are often used interchangeably. But these two types of professionals aren't technically the same. The differences come down to education, training, and licensing standards. Overall, both counselors and therapists help clients work through their mental health and life challenges.


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