Marriage Secrets From Couples Who Have Been Together 25 Years or More (2024)

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    Marriage Secrets From Couples Who Have Been Together 25 Years or More (1)

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    Colleen Sullivan

    Marriage Secrets From Couples Who Have Been Together 25 Years or More (2)

    Colleen Sullivan

    Colleen Sullivan is a lifestyle writer and editor who specializes in beauty, home, fashion, food, and wellness.

    Brides's Editorial Guidelines

    Updated on 08/11/21 02:09PM

    Marriage Secrets From Couples Who Have Been Together 25 Years or More (3)

    Years ago, when I was complaining about a marital issue I was having with my husband, my friend Athena said to me, “So, your perfect husband has a flaw!” I was taken aback by her comment—why was it so much easier to focus on a spouse’s imperfections instead of their strengths? That was truly an “aha” moment for me in my marriage. From that point on, when my partner does something that drives me nuts, I think about the 90 percent of him that is, actually, quite perfect.

    Curious as to how others who’ve been married over 25 years have maintained course, I set out to interview long-married couples on the secrets that have made their marriages thrive decades later.

    Here, some sage advice for couples about starting their lives together.

    65 Happy Marriage Quotes That Will Inspire Every Couple

    01of 13

    Keep the Peace

    The Couple: Donna Segal and Burt Podbere, Los Altos, California

    Married: 25 years

    Burt’s Advice: “Try not to fight like high schoolers—don’t play games, give the silent treatment, argue over the same things over and over, or bring up past issues in every subsequent fight. If you have children, you want to set a good example of how you’d like them to act in their future relationships. You’re teaching if you show love and affection, you’ll get it in return.”

    Donna’s Advice:“Never be a ‘counter’—this means don’t get petty about things like, ‘I emptied the dishwasher the last three times or I changed the last six diapers’. Because life is never fair and if you’re always counting to be ‘even’ you’ll never be happy. People have different tasks in a marriage—I may have wiped more bottoms and unloaded more dishes, but my spouse completed numerous other chores as well.”

    02of 13

    Keep Growing

    The Couple: Amy Penfil Wolf and Jeffrey Wolf, Churchville, Pennsylvania

    Married: 26 years

    Amy’s Advice:“Expect and accept change. No one remains stagnant for twenty-five years, nor should they. You may sometimes feel like you’re with someone different than the person you married long ago. But if basic values, ethics, and morals are the foundation of a person’s character, growth can add to marital satisfaction instead of taking away from it.”

    Jeffrey’s Advice: “You and your partner will and should share many things but it’s important to keep your independence and not to lose yourselves in each other. Not every hobby or friend has to be mutual. In fact, a marriage stays fresh when partners have separate interests and relationships.”

    03of 13

    Stay Flexible

    The Couple: Michelle and Michael Vanlochem, Los Angeles

    Married: 38 years

    Michelle’s Advice: “Roll with the punches. As this past year has shown, you have to keep reinventing your relationship to withstand what has been thrown at you. Never consider yourself too old to switch up ‘roles’ within the marriage—if you change things up, you’ll have a fresh window into your partner’s life.”

    Michael’s Advice: “Always listen to what’s important to your spouse and if you disagree, always try to compromise.”

    04of 13

    Show Your Love

    The Couple: Paul and Diane Doherty, Vero Beach, Florida

    Married: 53 years

    Paul’s Advice:“It’s important to do little things on a regular basis to show your love. That’s why I get my wife her favorite coffee every morning. It keeps her happy.”

    Diane’s Advice:“We’ve always planned a date night once a week. Even when our kids were little, we prioritized making time as a couple. We’d stay out just late enough to make sure the kids were asleep so when we got home, we didn’t have to jump back into Mom and Dad mode.”

    05of 13

    Don't Keep Score

    The Couple: Guido and Regina Bussinelli, Ridgewood, New Jersey

    Married: 27 years

    Regina’s Advice: “Don’t keep score or rate who does more. A good partner knows when to step in, when to take over and when to encourage you to keep moving forward—not get caught up in keeping tabs. I can remember during different phases of our lives being very conscious of the fact I did more with the kids. It could have been easy to mention who had to stay home from work with a sick kid, who had to get up with crying babies, or who had to find childcare so that we could go out on a weekend, but doing so doesn’t get you anywhere.”
    Guido’s Advice:
    “This may sound simple but it has stood the test of time for us—always use kind words and never take the moments you have together for granted.”

    06of 13

    Keep Laughing

    The Couple: Charlotte and Daniel Newton, Simi Valley, California

    Married: 31 years

    Charlotte’s Advice: “Always remember what attracted you to your spouse in the first place, which, in my husband’s case was his sense of humor when we first met as coworkers at a hospital. I may have feigned annoyance at his antics before we dated, but he ultimately won me over with his humor and kind heart.”

    Daniel’s Advice: “Maintain a steady stream of fresh jokes to keep your partner entertained. I worry what will happen when I run out!”

    07of 13

    Don't Sweat the Small Stuff

    The Couple: Peter McQuaid and Laura McQuaid, Fanwood, New Jersey

    Married: 32 years

    Peter’s Advice:“Remember it’s a marathon, not a sprint, so pace yourself and pick your battles carefully. It’s easy to argue about the silliest of things but does it really matter how the dishwasher gets loaded or the car gets packed before going on a road trip? You come to realize it’s crazy to ruin an evening together or a trip away over stuff like this. And don’t be afraid to use the silly/lovey pet names you have for each other in public—it makes people wonder what you’ve been up to!”

    Laura’s Advice: “Keep your own interests. You’ll stay happier longer if you still take time to do the things you love to do—go for long walks alone, take weekend getaways with friends, sign up for a class on art or sculpture—whatever it is that makes you happy. Having your own interests will give you a new perspective and things to talk about with your partner.”

    12 Fun Hobbies for Couples to Enjoy Together

    08of 13

    Keep It a Partnership

    The Couple: Myrtle and Ray Luer, Langhorne, Pennsylvania

    Married: 64 years

    Ray’s Advice: “I met Myrtle when we were both in high school and except for the six months when Myrt decided she needed to see other guys, we have been together. There are several things required for a good marriage, including having mutual respect for each other and viewing your marriage as a partnership. We never had separate vacations or bank accounts and we made decisions together.But, most of all, we frequently hugged. The hugging has increased as we’ve aged.”

    Myrt’s Advice: “Always appreciate each other’s talents and complement each other’s efforts. My husband loves music and plays the guitar, violin, piano, and flute. I love to paint."

    09of 13

    Finish the Fight

    The Couple: Deron and Athena Siddons,Eden, Utah

    Married: 25 years

    Deron’s Advice: “It may sound cliché, but never go to bed mad at each other—end a fight then and there so nothing carries over into the next day. And don’t lose sight that every couple fights, it’s about how well you move on and process things that matters.”

    Athena’s Advice: “No white lies. The truth always comes out and without trust, you really don’t have much. You need to work on building that trust from day one and never lose sight of how precious it is to a marriage.”

    10of 13

    Support Each Other's Interests

    The Couple: Amy and Harry Bourque, Old Forge, New York

    Married: 26 years

    Amy’s Advice: “Having separate interests is key to a happy marriage. Harry is a sportsman who loves to compete. That’s how he blows off steam and relaxes. I encourage him to practice, get better and enjoy himself when he can. I love music.I sing in a band and often, leading up to a performance, have endless back-to-back practices. Sometimes the entire band sets up in my house and stays until midnight rehearsing.Harry never complains, quite the contrary, he is pleased to see me doing something that makes me happy.”

    Harry’s Advice: “My secret to a happy marriage was finding someone who can enjoy the simplest things in life with me, like sunsets and a cold beer.”

    11of 13

    Remain Friends

    The Couple: Mike and Kathy Pantele, Richmond, Virginia

    Married: 36 years

    Kathy’s Advice: “Always put your spouse first, even before your children, and that means remaining best friends. We always agreed if our marriage was sound, our children would learn what it means to show devotion and commitment to another person. We have remained best friends over the last three decades.”

    Mike’s Advice: “For a marriage to be successful, both husband and wife need to view themselves as partners—you are no longer just yourself, you have another half to constantly consider.”

    12of 13

    Acknowledge Who You Are Marrying

    The Couple: Nancy and Robert Swanick, Perkiomenville, Pennsylvania

    Married: 46 years

    Nancy’s Advice: “Be sure you’re marrying your friend. You need to really, really, really like the person you are marrying just the way they are as there’s no changing someone after the fact.”

    Robert’s Advice: “Always work towards togetherness and that means constantly thinking of what makes your spouse happy.”

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    Keep the North Star in Sight

    The Couple: Brenda and James Mitchell, Cheltenha, Maryland

    Married: 32 years

    Brenda’s Advice: “It was important for us to commit to the journey we decided to take together. In hindsight, we did not have a clue about how that would look but we were determined to see it through—divorce was never an option.With that being our north star, so to speak, we had to constantly condition ourselves to do the things that contribute to a healthy marriage and be equally committed to NOT doing the things that would deter us from our mark. We did not know the road or the way but we were committed to taking the journey together. We are now empty-nesters, and excited about this new phase.I now believe that by speaking and affirming out loud that divorce would never be an option for us, it came into being.”

    Mitch’s Advice:“Start your marriage with dedicated dating time and then schedule time for yourself. Thursday night has always been our date night—during the first six years of marriage without children and then throughout the 20 years, our two children were at home. We’re approaching our thirty-third anniversary and date night still stands strong. The first and third Thursdays of the month we date each other, the second and fourth Thursdays is our time to be alone or be with friends or family.”

    24 Celebrities Share Their Top Marriage Advice

    Marriage Secrets From Couples Who Have Been Together 25 Years or More (2024)


    Marriage Secrets From Couples Who Have Been Together 25 Years or More? ›

    More than half of currently married couples (55 percent) had been married for at least 15 years, while 35 percent had reached their 25th anniversary. A small percentage — 6 percent — had even passed their golden (50th) wedding anniversary.

    What percentage of couples make it to 25 years of marriage? ›

    More than half of currently married couples (55 percent) had been married for at least 15 years, while 35 percent had reached their 25th anniversary. A small percentage — 6 percent — had even passed their golden (50th) wedding anniversary.

    Why do couples split after 25 years or more? ›

    Many reasons cause couples to part ways even after many years of marriage, like lack of communication, unresolved issues of the past, and lack of mutual growth. Having financial clarity, finding a support system and shunning negativity help you weather this storm.

    What happens to a marriage after 25 years? ›

    Much like divorce after 20 years, marriages ending after 25 years will center around issues related to children and finances. Divorce after 25 years most likely means at least one of your children is in college. Which means once again, you might be wrestling with what to do with your marital home.

    What is the 222 rule after marriage? ›

    So what is it? The 2-2-2 Rule involves going on a date night every two weeks, spending a weekend away every two months and taking a week-long vacation away every two years.

    How often do 25 year old married couples make love? ›

    Once a week is a common baseline, experts say. That statistic depends slightly on age: 40- and 50-year-olds tend to fall around that baseline, while 20- to 30-year olds tend to average around twice a week.

    What is the statistically hardest year of marriage? ›

    What Years of Marriage are the Hardest?
    • Years 1–2: Very Risky.
    • Years 3–4: Mild Risk.
    • Years 5–8: Very Risky.
    • Years 9–15: Low Risk.
    • Years 15 and over: Low to Mild Risk.

    What year of marriage is divorce most common? ›

    While there are countless divorce studies with conflicting statistics, the data points to two periods during a marriage when divorces are most common: years 1 – 2 and years 5 – 8. Of those two high-risk periods, there are two years in particular that stand out as the most common years for divorce — years 7 and 8.

    What breaks most marriages? ›

    Infidelity, arguing, infertility, and lack of commitment are some of the top reasons for divorce in the world. There's usually more than one cause of divorce, though. Most divorce reasons are preventable, though, when both partners are in love and willing to spend time and energy in solving the differences.

    Why do older married couples grow apart? ›

    Routine, responsibilities, unresolved conflict, and not spending quality time together are just a few reasons couples grow apart. “Long-term relationships require ongoing intentionality and commitment,” explains Elyssa Helfer, a licensed marriage and family therapist and certified sexologist in Los Angeles.

    How often do couples in their 70s make love? ›

    In the New England Journal of Medicine study, though just over a quarter of participants ages 75 to 85 said they had sex in the last year, more than half that group had sex at least two to three times a month. And almost one-quarter of those having sex were doing it once a week — or more.

    What causes GREY divorce? ›

    Lack of intimacy. If either party doesn't feel satisfied when it comes to physical or emotional intimacy and their partner refuses to try or compromise, they may file for divorce. Less stigma. Today, there is less stigma surrounding divorce, which empowers many older couples (especially women) to file for divorce.

    How often do married couples over 60 make love? ›

    Usually, married couples in their 20s have sex 80 times a year, whereas those in their 60s are likely to engage in sex only about 20 times annually.

    What is the 7 7 7 rule in marriage? ›

    Third, fourth and fifth, the couple must adopt the “777” dating rule, which means a date night every week, a night away alone as a couple every seven weeks and a holiday alone as a couple every seven months.

    What is the #1 rule of marriage? ›

    The Golden Rule.

    Treat your significant other the way you would want to be treated. Be the person you would want to be married to. Keep in mind how your actions or inaction may impact your spouse.

    What is the 3 3 3 rule in a relationship? ›

    In fact, there is no commonly used dating rule called 333. However, there is a 333 rule that relates to lessening your anxiety. The principle of this rule is when you are stressed. You should take some time to try to name three things you see, three things you hear, and three things you can touch.

    How many marriages before 25 end in divorce? ›

    44. 60 percent of couples married between the age of 20 -25 will end in divorce. 45. Those who wait to marry until they are over 25 years old are 24 percent less likely to get divorced.

    How long does the average marriage in the US last? ›

    The average length of a first marriage in the United States clocks in at seven years. Most of those people get married for a second time, which can also end in divorce. Second marriages have a 60% chance of ending, and third marriages have a 73% chance of divorce. The odds increase the more marriages someone has.

    What is the average length of marriages that end in divorce? ›

    When marriages end, usually some time has passed since the wedding. In fact, the average length of a marriage prior to divorce is eight years.

    Is 25 years of marriage a milestone? ›

    It's a quarter of a century! A wonderful and incredibly special milestone that deserves to be celebrated in such a way. The 25th wedding anniversary is known as the Silver Wedding Anniversary, as silver is the traditional gift to mark 25 years of marriage.


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    Name: Chrissy Homenick

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    Introduction: My name is Chrissy Homenick, I am a tender, funny, determined, tender, glorious, fancy, enthusiastic person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.